Acronyms | Definition |
... | ... |
A510 |
The Operations Specification Letter of Deviation Authority (LODA) for Special Flight Authorization (SFA) for Ferry Flights |
AD | Airworthiness Directive |
ADD | Acceptable Deferred Defect |
AIPC | Aircraft Illustrated Parts Catalog |
AMM | Aircraft Maintenance Manual |
AMO | Approved Maintenance Organization |
AMOC | Alternate Means of Compliance |
AMP | Approved Maintenance Program |
AN(OT)O | Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order |
AOC | Air Operator’s Certificate |
AOG | Aircraft on Ground |
BDCA | Department of Civil Aviation-Bermuda |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority (e.g. of the United Kingdom) |
CAACI | Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands |
CAM | Continuous Airworthiness Manager |
CAME | Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition |
C of A | Certificate of Airworthiness |
C of R | Certificate Of Registration |
CDL | Configuration Deviation List |
CMM | Component Maintenance Manual |
CRS | Certificate of Release to Service |
D098 | Operations Specification Letter of Authorization (LOA) for short term operations in RVSM, RNP-10 and NAT HLA airspace. |
DAR (US FAA) | Designated Airworthiness Representative |
DCA | Department Of Civil Aviation |
DDG | Dispatch Deviation Guide |
DER (US FAA) | Designated Engineering Representative |
DFLD | Database Field Loadable Data |
DOT (US) | Department of Transportation |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency |
EETC | Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificate |
ESN | Engine Serial Number |
ETCA | Engine Total Care Agreement |
ETOPS | Extended-Range Twin-Engine Operations |
EU | European Union |
EMM | Engine Maintenance Manual |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FADEC | Full Authority Digital Engine Control |
FANS | Future Air Navigation System |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulations (of the United States) |
FIM | Fault Isolation Manual |
GAM | GoAeroMx, LLC |
IBAC | International Business Aviation Council |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IBAO | International Business Aviation Council |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
ICA | Instructions for Continued Airworthiness |
IPC | Illustrated Parts Catalog |
IS-BAO | International Standards For Business Aircraft Operations |
LOA | Letter of Authorization for SAO - RVSM, RNP-10, NAT HLA |
LODA SFA | Letter of Deviation Authority for a Special Flight Authorization (SFA) for Ferry Flights - A510 Ops Spec |
LODA | A deviation from Part 125 to conduct operations in accordance with 14 CFR Part 91 to allow movement of airplanes as directed by the operator. See Part 125.1(a) |
MEL | Minimum Equipment List |
MIP | Maintenance Inspection Program - short term for ferry operations. |
MPD | Maintenance Planning Document |
MRB | Maintenance Review Board |
MSN | Manufacturer’s Serial Number |
MSP | Maintenance Service Program |
OTAA | Overseas Territory Aviation Authority |
OTAC | Overseas Territory Aviation Circular |
OTAR | Overseas Territory Aviation Requirement |
Part 125 | Certification and Operations: Aircraft having a seating capacity of 20 or more or a max payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more |
PMA | Parts Manufacturer Approval (non OEM parts) |
QAM | Quality Assurance Manager |
SB | Service Bulletin |
SIL | Service Instruction Leaflet |
SL | Service Letter |
SMS | Safety Management System |
SSM | Systems Schematics Manual |
SRM | Structural Repair Manual |
TC | Type Certificate |
TCCA | Transport Canada |
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